Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Hi. How is it going so far? Well, hope you're all doing good and motivated enough to fight everyday's challenges. This blog entry is pretty different from what I used to write. I guess, in my 30+ years of existence, I have already gained some handful  life lessons that I've learned through the years. Let's keep it going then.

LIFE LESSONS I've learned through the years
1. You don't have to please everybody.

Yes, it's absolutely true. We all passed a stage in our life that we wanted to belong in a group and we felt, what was common would make us happy as well. Probably it could be true but not totally appropriate all the time. I guess it's much better to do things that is right, believe in yourself, help people along the way and treasure your family and friends. 

2. Friends do come and go as you age.

This is so damn true. There are also exceptions to this. Well, those friends that treasure you will always find a way to communicate. If you have find them, treasure them and make the relationship real and true so it will last forever. The best feeling in the world is to be treasured by friends whom you also consider as your second family.

3. What you eat shapes who you are as a person.

We are all guilty of this. Personally, I used to eat those junkfoods, go to fastfood stores and all those bad stuffs. Through the years, I've noticed that our body and health included are the main reasons why we can work and enjoy our free time. That basically means the more we eat junk, the more it will take a toll in our body as well. Let's just eat healthy and our future body will thank us soon.

4. Life is a rollercoaster.

Literally, sometimes we are up and sometimes we are in our deepest point in life. True. I believe that our life is always the result of our actions. Just like in the stock market, whatever goes up must come down and vice versa. If you think you can get through a bad situation, then you will. Let time do its action and include some effort and actions as well.

5. Always stay hungry for information and be curious.

This is the main reason why I always learn something. It may be small or big but whatever it is, that hunger for something always keeps the drive to keep moving everyday. Plus, we can always develop ourselves and sharpen our skills, right? A person who works hard and learns many things is always an interesting and beautiful person. 

6. Life is unfair.

Oh yes. Even if we always say we do our best but sometimes it's just NOT good enough. Even if we treat people kindly, then we receive disappointments and heartbreaks instead. Well, just consider those things a timing to learn and improve yourself. You don't need to dwell what went wrong but move forward and believe, it's going to be ok soon. Take chances and keep it going.

7. Go out of your comfort zone.

It sounds so difficult just by the mere thought of this. Doing this really takes a lot of guts and courage. Trust me, once you done it, the feeling is so liberating and fun. You'd be feel much stronger and better as a whole. 

8. You'll never know unless you try.

This has been my philosophy in life. In everything that we do especially if it's the first time will always be hard and tough. As long as you are willing to learn then it will go easy. Plus, it's not bad if you ask assistance from others to teach you the right method to do it. Learning and trying something new always excites our brain cells to keep moving. 

9. If you believe in something, then go for it.

This is so true. Especially if you have an idea in mind, then do something to make it work and make it happen as well. We never know you might become the next big thing in this fast-paced world. As they always say, all these famous inventions we have now started with just an idea in the mind.

10. Be at peace with yourself.

This is ultimately a life goal.  Nobody can make us happy if we don't essentially feel happy naturally. It will always be a choice to be happy and be contented at the same time. It all boils down to know what you want, do something to attain it and let luck and magic do its thing. A contented heart and a happy soul always go hand in hand with each other. I have also noticed that a positive person always attracts luck and chances wherever he goes. 

Wow, writing about these makes me feel old. Oh no! Well, these life lessons I already consider my treasures that help me shape the person I am now. Does that mean I am a bit wiser? Hope so. ;)

How about you? What are your life lessons too? Let's exchange ideas and help each other. It's always a good feeling to be a person for others. 

Basically that's it for now. Take care and let's enjoy life every single day. Always be happy and dream big.

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