Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Izakaya in Tokyo: A Lovely Experience

Ohayou Gozaimasu! I'm back to introduce here a good Japanese culture that is eating and drinking in style but casually in an Izakaya. Technically, it is a Japanese pub / bar that serves alcoholic beverages and good foods at the same time.  My student's parents wanted us to try this to get to know more about their culture. Man, we really had a blast and it was pretty memorable also.

My Short Photo Diary 

FYI: Only the adults had a mug of beer and the kids had ginger ale respectively.

Top 5 Things to Know and Do When you're in Izakaya
1. Most of the stores typically open late in the afternoon / early evening.
2. After you sit down, the FIRST THING to do is order you own choice of drink. It's a kind of the NORMS there.
3. Since the place mostly are pretty small, talking in a loud voice is somehow discouraged.
4. Best foods to order are the famous sashimi, chicken, yakitori and gyuza.
5. It's better to do your research before going there. Why? It's hard to communicate when you don't have any Japanese friend with you.

Being there with my students is actually a dream come true. Not only we were able to witness the social and drinking scene of Japanese people in reality but also I was able to mingle, relax and have a hearty discussion with them as well. Such a good experience I must say.

Hope you like this short entry. If ever you are in Tokyo, visit any Izakaya in town and be ready to experience Japanese culture there. Enjoy and cheers to that. Till next time.

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